It's Been A Year.

2:15 PM

As I publish this blog post on the internet, some of you may know that I've been residing here in England for almost a year. It does sound like an eternity yet it only felt like a short time in my case. My GCSEs passed by my eyes swiftly and me entering Year 12 is fast approaching. Summer vacation was momentary however, I relished each moment of it.

As I received the envelope which contained my results, I felt like I was going to die within an instant. I was so anxious since GCSEs are a stepping stone for my career. I did well, for someone who learned the curriculum in a year. I met the criteria for the school I applied to and I was engulfed with euphoria because I met the expectations.

I am thankful for my parents and friends who stayed with me even during the painful exam season. I wouldn't have done it without your support and guidance. I am so grateful for my teachers since they guided me all throughout Year 11.

Moving on, I felt lucky enough to witness the snow; and how the snowflakes liquefied as it rested on the warmth of my skin. I was that person who was dumbfounded by the change of seasons. I became fond of the orange leaves during autumn, the snowflakes that fell on the ground during the winter, the fragrant scent of daffodils at spring, and the hot summer breeze. 

I met people who changed my life without any regrets. Although they gave me a hard time, I was grateful enough to draw lessons from them. I made rash decisions which precipitated to a chain of unfortunate events. I believe that without those decisions, I wouldn't be what I am right now. I became wiser, stronger, better than ever. I am that tree that refuses to fall in the midst of a cyclone.

Honestly, celebrating the festivities here in England is different compared to the Philippines. In the Philippines, you can certainly sense if Christmas season is up and coming. We even countdown the days until Christmas. New Year's was awfully quiet, I suppose that celebrating the new year with a loud bang wasn't a habit here in England. It came to a moment where I was counting down the seconds until midnight and all I heard were faint noises of fireworks. I suppose I was habituated to being in a loud environment during these types of occasions. Ha! 

Living here taught me to become independent. I was accustomed to my family and relatives being in my place when I have to do responsibilities. I am embarrassed by the fact that, I, Leannel, shy of being 17, hasn't even kindled a fire until I had to light a bunsen burner during Chemistry. On the bright side, my Chemistry teacher was able to coax me into doing it. *insert laughing emoji here* In my honest opinion, it's because of my previous school that didn't really focus on our practical skills while being in the laboratory. It's so humiliating.

Also, doing NCS was the highlight of my year. I was hesitant at first to do this programme, however, I believe that it's the best decision I have ever made this year. I was able to make new friends that I will treasure for my whole life and even recognised a new skill. Oh my days, I never knew I was capable of rock climbing. I didn't expect my lazy self to do this skill! On another note, one of the senior mentors had to push me and a friend to keep the pace the same as our team. I became more confident and open to these people. And I do miss them til now, Wave 8 Kingston- Team Edwards ftw! 

I do miss my friends and relatives back in the Philippines, imagine being a year and a thousand miles away from the people you cherished with all your heart. It does sound terrible but you have to keep on going. A year gave me enough time to heal, to change and learn more things.


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